Social Consultancy Services
Providing Comprehensive
Solutions to
Development Partners
Social Consultancy Services (SCS) is a consulting firm with a specialized focus on development sector. Having a multidisciplinary team of professionals with pragmatic understanding of social realities and clear perception of social development processes, we support diverse development interventions across the country.
Services Offered
Monitoring, Evaluation & Research
- Designing and implementing M&E systems
- Conducting outsourced project monitoring
- Executing surveys and turnkey evaluation studies
- Impact assessment studies
- Conducting midterm and end term review
- Exploratory, formative and action research
- Operations research
- Social research
Capacity Building
- Behaviour Change Communication
- Communication and Advocacy
- Family Life Education
- Institution building, self help groups (SHGs), federation
- Local Self-Governance and PRIs
- Monitoring and evaluation
- MIS development
- Participatory research and documentation
- Project and programme planning
Programme Planning
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Rehabilitation planning
- Project and programme planning
- Long term strategic planning
- Development of communication materials
- Organizing communication events
- Publishing and media coverage
- Preparation of annual reports
- Reporting during workshops and conferences
- Translation
- Organizing Workshops, Seminars, Health Camps and Symposiums
- Facilitating organisational planning events
- Organizing outreach programmes
- Facilitating Advocacy Events
Recruitment and HR Management
- Initiation of recruitment process
- Advertising in diverse media for contracting of technical candidates
- Management of All logistics arrangements during the hiring process
- Maintenance of an active roster of prospective candidates/ technical candidates
Domain Expertise
Child Rights
Children's rights are very much within the category of human rights with specific consideration to the rights of special protection and care accorded to the below 18 years population. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) defines a child as "any human being below the age of eighteen years in India”. Children's rights includes their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for physical protection, food, universal state-paid education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child, equal protection of the child's civil rights, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, colour, ethnicity, or other characteristics. Interpretations of children's rights range from allowing children the capacity for autonomous action to the enforcement of children being free from abuse.
Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding risks. It is a discipline that involves preparing for disaster before it occurs, disaster response (e.g. emergency evacuation, quarantine, mass decontamination, etc.), as well as supporting, and rebuilding society after natural or human-made disasters have occurred.
Education in its broadest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to another through institutions.
Health and Nutrition
Public Health Systems are made up of a complex network of people, systems and organizations working in the public and private arenas. It broadly covers three core areas: Basic infrastructure, essential capabilities and public health response. Community health focuses on geographic areas rather than people with shared characteristics.
Human Trafficking
The United Nations protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children (the Palermo Protocol) defines trafficking in persons as the recruitment, transportation transfer harbouring or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion of abduction of fraud of deception of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payment or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation in this context shall include at a minimum the exploitation for forced sex or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery, etc. Trafficking situation world over has been pressing governments to include in the definition all types of exploitative and cajoling means to lure women and children into trafficking
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Each and every person on the globe needs clean water to drink, a safe place to pee and poop and everyone needs to be able to clean themselves. For many people, WASH concerns are taken for granted and their combined impact on life isn’t always appreciated. Girls are the hardest hit by lack of clean water and sanitation, when schools lack functional toilets or latrines, girls often drop out because of the stigma associated with periods.
Gender Equity
UN Secretary-General highlighted the crucial role of gender equality as driver of development progress, recognizing that the potential of women had not been fully realized. Gender inequalities are still deep-rooted in every society. In many situations, they are denied access to basic education and health care and are victims of violence and discrimination. They are under-represented in political and economic processes.
Adolescents and Youth
WHO defines 'Adolescents' as individuals in the 10-19 years age group and 'Youth' as the 15-24 year age group. The transition from childhood to adulthood involves dramatic physical, sexual, psychological and social developmental changes, all taking place at the same time.Youth is an experience that may shape an individual's level of dependency, which can be marked in various ways according to different cultural perspectives.
“SCS has been an essential partner in helping us deliver our leadership development programs in Bihar and Jharkhand. They have delivered highly efficient and professional services in organizing conferences and managing programmatic logistics. We highly recommend them.”
Cheryl Francisconi
Program Director, LDM
Institute of International Education (IIE), USA
Get In Touch With Us
Phones: +91 522 2335260, 09044088185
Fax: +91 522 4003872